This is the May 1984 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, “Democratic Palestine,” Number 3.
It contains the following articles:
- Editorial
- Two Military Operations in the Heart of the Beast
- PFLP-DFLP Memo to UN
- Land, the Central Issue of Zionist Strategy
- Day of the Land Celebrations
- Women’s Struggle in Occupied Palestine
- Hunger Strike in Ashkelon
- Significance of Aden Meeting – Interview with Comrade George Habash
- Joint Communique PFLP-DFLP Joint Command, PLF, PCP
- Political Statement issued by PFLP Central Committee
- Arafat’s Visit to Cairo – Egyptian Communist View
- Hunger Strike in Al-Mahatta Prison
- Statement of the Political Prisoners
- Defense Committee Appeal
- Demonstrations in Yarmouk University
- Sham Elections in the Monarchy’s Parliament
- Lausanne – The Godfathers Block Secular Democratic Reforms
- Fascists Regroup
- South Lebanon – The Confrontation Escalates
- PFLP Position Paper on the National Democratic Revolution
- Iran-Iraq Ear
- Zionist Global Role
- Bantustans: A Zionist Dream
- Poem
- Contemporary Palestinian Art