This is a Winter 1983 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 69. It contains the following articles:
- Editorial
- From Beirut to Grenada
- Comrade Habash: The Crisis – Roots and Solutions
- PFLP- DFLP: Program for Unity and Democratic Reform in the PLO
- Occupied Palestine: Old – New Zionist Tactics
- Comrade Abu Saleh : 54 Years of Struggle
- Lebanon: The South Resists
- Why Imperialism Intervened Directly
- Multinational Forces- NATO Extended
- War Scars on the Zionist Entity – study part II
- Democratic Yemen- Anniversary of the October 14th Revolution
- Interview with Comrade Ali Nasser Mohammad
- Comrade Habash in Algeria
- First Official Visit to Hungary
- Geneva : International Conference on the Question of Palestine
- Nicaragua: Interview with the Deputy Foreign Minister
- Interviews with Anti-Zionists; Women Against Occupation
- Ralph Schoenrnan – No Amnesty for Israel
- Poem: Slaughter
- Athens: Never Again Sabra – Shatila
- Political Declaration
- Program of Action
- Sri Lanka: Tamil Nation Attacked
- Interview with the People’s Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam
- Poem: New Diaspora, 1982