This is a Winter 1983 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 69. It contains the following articles:

This is a Winter 1983 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 69. It contains the following articles:
This is the Fall 1983 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 68. It contains the following
This is the February 1982 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 59. It contains the following articles:
This is the December 1981 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 57. It contains the following articles:
This is the October 1981 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 55. It contains the following articles:
This is the December 1980 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 45. It contains the following
This is the June 1980 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 39. It contains the following
This is the February 1980 issue of the PFLP English-language publication, the “PFLP Bulletin,” Number 35. It contains the following
الهدف مجلة ناطقة باسم “الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين”، أسسها في بيروت الأديب الشهيد غسان كنفاني عام 1969. Al-Hadaf Vol. 11,
الهدف مجلة ناطقة باسم “الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين”، أسسها في بيروت الأديب الشهيد غسان كنفاني عام 1969. Al-Hadaf Vol. 11,